We’re Moving to New Zealand

I’ve been waiting a long time to say this, so I’m excited to announce that we’re moving to New Zealand! At the end of July, we’ll say goodbye to Vancouver, a place we’ve called home for two years, and make our way to Wellington.

Why New Zealand? Why Wellington?

Some of you might already know why (I’ve been dropping hints for years about why I’ve wanted to go), it’s not just the stunning scenery, but the opportunity to work for one of the best companies in our industry, Weta Digital.

To find out more about the industry we work in and why it allows us to live around the world, check out our About Us page.

Hobbiton Movie Set

Weta Digital has won six Visual Effects Oscars for all three Lord of the Rings movies, King Kong, Avatar and Jungle Book. To be a part of this award-winning company (co-founded by Peter Jackson) has been a long-time dream of mine. The fact that the studio is located in one of the most beautiful places on earth (or so I’ve heard) makes the decision for us to move a no-brainer.

How Long Are We Staying?

Our industry is always a little unpredictable, but we’ll be on the other side of the world for around eight months. This means we’ll get to experience winter and summer in New Zealand and my first Christmas in the sun, which will be interesting!

Mount cook national park hike

Relocation Fun

This will be our third time moving country, so you’d expect us to be relocation experts. I wish I could say we are, however, every move poses different challenges. We were offered the job only eight weeks before our start date, which meant we had to sort out everything in a short amount of time! This short time means we haven’t had the time to look into New Zealand, so any tips (places we can’t miss, excellent restaurants, etc…) are more than welcome!


Picture of Lies


Hi! I'm a Belgian travel blogger currently living in Vancouver, Canada after living in the UK for 7 years. I have a keen interest in responsible travel, volunteering and archaeology and I'm always on the lookout for new adventures around the world!

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3 Responses

  1. Hi Lies! It’s been years since we last emailed about elephants in Chiang Mai Thailand, and your website has has an incredible upgrade since then—it’s beautiful and I love it! And now you both have moved on to Weta, what an adventure! You would be wise to connect up with good friend and avid traveler Lori Miller, she’s at Weta as well. Best of luck to you all and cheers to continued travels in your new neck of the woods.

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