Winter in London – What to Wear

Winter is a great time to visit the capital of England, especially over Christmas time. Cosy Christmas markets, streets decorated with holiday ornaments and Christmas songs playing everywhere you go. If you’re lucky, the city might even have some snow.

Your visit, however, can take a turn for the worse if you’re not properly prepared for the cold.

London can get pretty cold during the winter period. Freezing temperatures are not uncommon. Add the rain and wind, chances are, you won’t enjoy your stay in the capital.

Winter in London - What to wear

But don’t despair! With the right clothes and accessories, you will enjoy your visit, even if it’s raining the whole day.

After living in the UK for 6 years, of which 3 years in London, and with London having almost the same climate as my home town in Belgium, I’ve managed to come up with a wardrobe which lets me enjoy my hot chocolates and glühwein while strolling around Christmas markets with sub zero temperatures with a smile on my face.

Winter London essentials accessories

London Packing Essentials


  • Thick coat, preferably a long one
  • Knee high boots – Perfect for snow and rain
  • Thick or wool sweater


  • Umbrella – Round one to protect against the wind
  • Hat and scarf
  • Gloves




Hi! I'm a Belgian travel blogger currently living in Vancouver, Canada after living in the UK for 7 years. I have a keen interest in responsible travel, volunteering and archaeology and I'm always on the lookout for new adventures around the world!

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