My Blog is One Year Old!

Exactly one year ago, I was sitting in my short term rental house in Cape Town, staring at the website I had created over the past 10 days. It was a nerve-racking moment as I wasn’t sure if my blog was ready to be unleashed onto the world wide web.

I had been contemplating starting a blog since 2013, but I was always too scared to take the first step. My 2 month trip to South Africa last year finally gave me plenty of time to think and prepare the blog I’ve always wanted to start.

View over Cape Town and Signal Hill, South Africa

So, this week marks a full year of blogging. It’s been an amazing year where I learned so much about the blogging world, and I have to admit: I love it!

I love this little space whereΒ I can document my travels and expat adventures and inspire my visitors to travel around the world. I have a full-time job (which gives me the opportunity to live in different countries around the world as well as travel quite a bit), so I’ve been a part-time travel blogger, trying to work on my blog every free minute of the day.

At times,Β it’s been a huge challengeΒ and there have been plenty of moments where juggling my day job and the blog wasΒ extremely overwhelming, but I wouldn’t give up my blog for anything in the world.

Blogging tools

The blog started out small and now has over 66 posts and 21577 unique visitors. I wasΒ a finalist in 2 categories at the BloggiesΒ 2015 and gradually started working with brands in 2015, such asΒ Viator,Β City Wonders,Β East Sussex tourism boardΒ and I recentlyΒ became a Tinggly ambassador. Working with brands has been an eye opener and it’s made me more determined to take the leap and go professional.

Tinggly Ambassador Non Stop Destination

Year In Stats

Stats are always interesting to check, so I included my blog and social media statistics that I’ve accumulated in the past year. Twitter has been the easiest social media platform to gain followers on. Facebook and Instagram were the hardest. I’ve only just started an account on Vine and Youtube, so those stats are pretty low (Youtube is 0).

Number of posts: 66
Number of comments: 220
Number of Unique visitors: 21977
Twitter: 5313
Instagram: 554
Facebook: 542
Pinterest: 712
Google+: 108
Vine: 25 (just starting out!)


There are not too many β€˜official’ achievements. I do count an interview, being featured and being asked to write as well as partnerships with brands as (personal) achievements, however, I’ve only included β€˜official’ achievements here (awards).

  • Nominated for best new weblog and best-designed weblog – the Bloggies 2015
  • Nominated for the Liebster award

Things I’ve Learned After 1 Year Of Blogging

When I started this blog, I had no clue what was in store for me. I just registered my site, bought a template, personalisedΒ it and published my first post. These are 5Β things I learned in the past year:

  1. It’s harder than you think! Content is not createdΒ in 1 hour. It takes hours of research, editing photos, proofreading etc… I can sometimes spend days on 1 post.
  2. It’s not enough to just create content. Social media is incredibly important, and you’ll spend even more time trying to grow your following than creating content for your blog.
  3. There are so many great blogs out there, it’s now harder than ever to stand out. I’m still trying to find my own niche in travel and a way to stand out. (Luxury adventure travel with a focus on photography)
  4. Blogging events are not only fun, but incredibly useful to build your brand and get your name out there. I’ve only managed to attend 1 blogging event (Traverse in the UK), and met some amazing people as well as learned so much through the numerous seminars.
  5. It’s always good to have support from friends and family. My boyfriend has been a great help and supporter throughout the year as well as my parents and sisters. It’s maybe a little awkward to tell your family and promote your blog to your friends at first. However, having people out there that believe in you and help you get your name out there is a huge help and I appreciate it tremendously.
If you’re thinking of starting a blog, and you have any questions about the process, do leave a comment orΒ contact me, and I’d be happy to answer your questions!

What’s Next

I’ve started creating videos after my boyfriend gifted me a GoPro, so you’ll see more videos pop up on the site!

GoPro Hero 4 Silver

I’ll also start writing more content, as I’m now only posting less than 4 posts a month. I also have some exciting partnerships with some amazing brands coming up, and I can’t wait to share it with you!

Are you a company looking toΒ work with me?Β Contact me, or message me on social media. I’m always interested in working with brands, start-upsΒ and tourism boards.


Picture of Lies


Hi! I'm a Belgian travel blogger currently living in Vancouver, Canada after living in the UK for 7 years. I have a keen interest in responsible travel, volunteering and archaeology and I'm always on the lookout for new adventures around the world!

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13 Responses

  1. Couldn’t agree more with the “Content is not created in 1 hour” part! Congrats on reaching a blogging milestone! πŸ˜€

    1. Thank you! Everytime I start a post, I always tell myself I’ll finish it in a few hours.
      A day later, I’m only half way writing the post! The editing of the photos takes a while, but I love it.

    1. Thank you Sheryl. It’s a lot of hard work, especially when you have a full time job. However, knowing that your visitors love reading your posts and actually benefit from the information that’s given, makes it all worthwhile!

    1. Thank you Kristin. I’m slowly carving out my niche in travel blogging. It’s hard as I love everything about travel!

  2. Congrats on 1 year of blogging! I recently started a travel blog and can agree that 1 post can take days to finish. But there is only so much hours in a day.. πŸ˜‰ and I also noticed my photography got much better. Cheers to upcoming years πŸ˜€

    1. Thank you Maya and congrats on starting your travel blog! It took me a year of procrastinating before actually building my site πŸ™‚
      I love your blog, you have a beautiful theme, and lots of posts about Canada, so I’ll be coming back for some trip inspiration.

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